Thursday, November 18, 2021

Sound Project Post

 Sound Project: Donald Trump Conference

In our AICE Media Studies class we were assigned to make a project in which we had to tell a story through sound effects and other auditory techniques. I teamed up with two of my classmates and as we were brainstorming, we came up with lots of different ideas, but the one that we liked the best was the idea of making a presidential conference. We all thought it was a good idea, that it had potential and because of that, we decided to make our project about that.

First, we prepared the outline for the video. This was a little challenging due to everyone having different opinions on how we should do the project. In our outline, we specified that at the beginning the audience is going to hear the sirens of the cars that sport the president. Then they will hear one of the security guards say "POTUS on route", people cheering and the presidential music. After this, the president is going to walk into the room and we will hear his steps. 

The audience is going to hear the president say "Make America Great Again" and after that, there is going to be the sound of people clapping. 

While making our own sounds, we had a lot of fun but we also had trouble deciding the way we were gonna make them.  

After we finished making all of the sounds and videos, one of us started editing all the videos to put them together. 

Honestly, I believe we did a good job. The project came out better than I expected and I am glad everyone in my group tried and helped doing the project, everyone had the opportunity to make a contribution to it. Making this assignment was a fun experience and it definitely helped me putting in practice everything I learned about sound during class.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Mis-En Scene Blog Analysis

Silver Linings Playbook- Mis-En Scene Analysis

The movie opens with a scene with back light where the main character, Pat, is facing backwards and looking outside a window, this can indicate that he wants to get out of the mental facility, he is looking for a brighter future, does not want to face reality and is avoiding a problem that he has. This inner problem can be represented by his clothing, he wears the color blue which can be associated with sadness and negativity. In this shot we can notice that the lightning behind him is low-key which can lead us to think that he is trying to leave behind a past which may have unpleasant experiences in it. As we watch the scene, the camera zooms in on Pat, we can infer from this that the audience is about to get to know the character more in depth very soon.

As we move through a few scenes we can notice that the color palette went from warm colors to more cold ones (blue, gray, green) like in the therapy room scene. During this scene, the audience can observe a shot reverse shot and some over-the-shoulder shots.This scene takes place after Pat suffers from an anger attack. We can notice that he is still agitated from this event because of the movement of the camera, which constantly moves, imitating Pat's heavy breath. We learn through flashbacks that Pat's wife cheated on him. While he narrates this event, there is a close up shot of him that intends to show us his emotions. Then the camera focuses on his hands for a few seconds, he is sweating, slightly shaking and playing with his hands nervously, the director with this shot intends to show the audience that Patrick is still affected by those events and that he actually needs the therapy and medication. 

Later on, in the scene where Pat is having dinner with his friends, we are introduced to Tiffany for the first time. She is wearing the same color that she will wear until the last scenes of the movie, which is the color black. Black clothing, black nails, black necklace and dark make up. This color symbolizes her grief after her husband's death. It can also represent the depression and anger that she feels after that tragic event. She stops wearing black at the end of the film when she learns how to deal with her depression and finds something that makes her happy, in that final scene she wears white, symbolizing a better version of herself. 

CCR Question 4

 How did you integrate technologies in this project? In the elaboration of my magazine I used Google Slides and Canva.