Tuesday, March 29, 2022

CCR Question 4

 How did you integrate technologies in this project?

  • In the elaboration of my magazine I used Google Slides and Canva. 

CCR Question 3

 How did your production skills developed throughout this project?

  • I believe that this project has helped me improve my production skills. At first, my sketches were basic and not well done, but as I continued practicing and doing more of my assignments, I found myself creating a magazine that I really like and I honestly think other people will like as well. 

CCR Question2

 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

My magazine will be published online, on a website called Issuu where my audience will be able to find it. 

CCR Question 1

 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

  • My magazine follows the traditional convention of fitness magazines: a bold masthead, red and white as the usual colors, a model wearing fitness clothes as my cover, and finally articles about diets, healthcare and exercises. It represents issues such us mental health, one of the articles in it talks about how to improve self esteem. 

Final Product

 Final Product

Hello, everybody! I am very happy to inform you that I am done with my blog. I have my final result and I am very satisfied with it. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Focus Group

 Focus Group

Hello everyone! As you know, it is very important to gain feedback from your audience, and because of that, I decided to make a focus groups so I can have other people's opinion and see how I can improve my magazine. 

And these are the results: 

Adriana Caceres (audiovisual communications student): 
- I really like it, I think it was well elaborated and it captures your attention. 

Camila Bazan (model in my magazine):
- Wow! The pictures came out great! they fit the magazine so well and they make me want to read it. 

Christian Rodriguez (AICE Media Studies student):
-This looks like a magazine I would enjoy reading. Your results are awesome!

John Camacho (AICE Media Studies student):
- I like the colors you used and how you designed it. Your audience is going to love it!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Double-Spread Page Drafts

  Double-Spread Page Drafts

Hello everybody!!! I just finished doing the final drafts for my first double-page spread. I made them in Canva. 

I decided to do four drafts with different colors because it is always better to have more options you can choose of so you can have the best results. 

I hope you guys like them!!!




Red and Yellow

Table of Contents Update

 Table of Contents Update

Hello everyone! In today's post I am going to be sharing with you the page that is going to go next to my table of contents. 

It is something simple. You can see the words "Gain Power"in the middle of the page and in the lower part "The fitness magazine that you all have been waiting for".

I did three different drafts in Canva. One in red, other in yellow, and the last one in cyan. 

I hope you guys liked it!!

Friday, March 11, 2022

Double-Page Spread Update

 Double-Page Spread Update

Hello everyone! I just wanted to give you an update on my double-page spread. I decided that I am going to add two more pages and do an article about celebrity's diets. 

For this idea I am going to need to do some research and see what I can find on other magazines or articles. 

Here is my sketch:

Planning my Double-page spread

 Planning my Double-page spread 

To start planning my double-page spread I need to do a sketch of how I want it to look like. It will have two different articles: one giving you exercises for your core and the other one will give you self love tips. Along with the articles there will be pictures. 

I have already done research about what I am going to write, so I just need to go to Canva to start doing my final drafts and finally choose which one of those I like the most.

Editing Content

 Editing Content

In today's blog post I am going to be showing you the before and after of the pictures I edited for my fitness magazine. You can barely see the difference in the pictures because I chose to edit them in a more natural way so people could relate to the pictures. 

                   BEFORE                                                                                   AFTER


                   BEFORE                                                                                   AFTER


                   BEFORE                                                                                   AFTER

                   BEFORE                                                                                   AFTER

CCR Question 4

 How did you integrate technologies in this project? In the elaboration of my magazine I used Google Slides and Canva.